InfiniOps Technology: Exploit AIOps, Expedite DevOps, and Execute Confidently

IT organizations around the world are under pressure to deliver non-stop operations while balancing their finite resources of personnel, skill, time, and budget. No one expects this reality to improve in the foreseeable future. A further complication is that every organization has its own unique operating requirements. IT teams are challenged to deliver new capabilities highly aligned with their specific needs with short delivery times and minimum risk.
Clever IT professionals are keen to exploit the underlying capabilities of their installed infrastructure. These insightful professionals insist that their infrastructure have the highest levels of artificial intelligence and automation along with proven extensions to enable further operational integration. This integration includes both interoperability with incumbent IT consoles and simple, trusted access to unique functionality and to create new capabilities. Additionally, it is critical that outdated fly-by-wire management controls are replaced with infrastructure intelligence, automation, and proven solutions.
Today, Infinidat introduces InfiniOps™ Technologies, a collection of extensive software capabilities that exploit world-class AIOps functionality and expedite DevOps activities. By harnessing the unique operational awareness of InfiniVerse, IT teams have streamlined storage oversight and management to unprecedented levels of set-it-and-forget-it simplicity at their local site and across the globe. Additionally, a proven set of IT tools are available to further integrate InfiniBox capabilities into IT operations for standard and container application deployment environments. Finally, all this comes at no additional cost.
Exploit infrastructure intelligence: First, IT must build upon a foundation of the highest performing, most available, and most intelligent infrastructure. InfiniBox delivers on these requirements with 100% availability, microsecond latency, multi-petabyte scale, and the unprecedented AI advantages of Neural Cache.
InifiBox uses a unique and patented Neural Cache to constantly improve cache performance and further optimize overall storage performance. By understanding the nature of workloads over time and in real-time, InfiniBox is continually, automatically, and autonomously adapting for optimal performance even as workloads change. These features eliminate the need to manually optimize cache by arbitrarily assigning cache to workloads or wastefully reserving cache in the anticipation of heavy workloads. Neural Cache ensures optimal performance is a given, rather than repeatedly and crudely tuned by IT staff.
Leverage AIOPs: Next, let's extend the virtue of InfiniBox’s native AI and leverage its awareness and intelligence. Newly introduced InfiniOps Technologies includes InfiniVerse, a solution that delivers application to storage insights as a secure, cloud-based service at no additional cost. IT staff can see their entire storage infrastructure across multiple sites including key indicators such as system health, rate of capacity consumption, and SAN/WAN performance compared to internal latency measurements.
As an analytics platform, InfiniVerse exploits big data collection with highly granular telemetry from InfiniBox’s growing install base exposing patterns discovered from a wide variety of workloads. These insights simplify delivery of service levels and minimizes management of costs over the entire data lifecycle. Find direct answers to questions of where to host new workloads, identify potential storage network bottlenecks, and see how to improve capacity utilization. Extending beyond storage, IT rapidly identifies the root cause of performance issues.
Deploy proven solutions: InfiniOps also offers a wide variety of tools to streamline IT operations, accelerate solution deployment, and reduce internal solution development risks. These DevOps tools access the wide and deep capabilities inherent in Infinidat offerings and make these features readily accessible to an organization’s IT team. Over a dozen proven solutions are now available.
Solutions include:
- In-family seamless migration
- Dev/QA data refresh
- Active/active dual site
- Kubernetes provisioner and Helm installer
- Ansible-launched cyber resilience
- Auto file system extension
- Hyper-V VM snaps
- Customer status reports
- Immutable workload snaps
- Multi-LDAP support
- Auto FS snapshot refresh
- 3rd-party, heterogeneous storage migration
In addition to Infinidat’s set of native tools and capabilities, Infinidat APIs have enabled integration into many popular IT management applications. This ecosystem of support permits the use of familiar, incumbent storage tools. A broad range of specialized software offerings include instrumentation, monitoring, management, and virtualization DevOps tools within heterogeneous IT environments. Additionally, organizations can easily integrate Infinidat storage into their preferred security solutions.
Ecosystem Support:
- Arxscan Arxview
- Continuity Availability Guard
- Dell EMC SRM
- Device42 ArrayIQ
- ElasticSearch
- Galileo Performance Explorer
- NetApp OnCommand Insight (OCI)
- Oracle Solaris Storage Cluster
- ServiceNow
- SolarWinds SRM
- Splunk
- Veritas ATARE
- Veritas NetBackup for Kubernetes
- Veritas Resiliency Platform (VRP)
- Virtana Virtual Wizdom IPM
- VMware vRealize Suite
- VSS provider 6.0 for Microsoft
- Xorus STOR2RRD
Infinidat now supports the Container Storage Interface (CSI) 2.1.0. This driver supports Kubernetes and other CNCF-compliant container environments. CSI is the standard for orchestrating control plane operations on file and block storage. Among other key features, the InfiniBox CSI Driver enables users to:
- Deploy hundreds or thousands of persistent volumes per InfiniBox
- Manage persistent volumes backed by iSCSI, NFS, SMB, or Fibre Channel protocols
- Control multiple InfiniBox systems within a single Kubernetes cluster
- Manage InfiniBox snapshots and clones, including restoring from snapshots
- Clone, extend, and manage persistent volumes created outside of the InfiniBox CSI Driver
Execute confidently: Drive up IT capabilities and efficiencies with InfiniBox, Neural Cache, and InfiniOps Technologies. Increase IT agility, ensure service-level attainment, and reduce risk. Start with InfiniBox, world-class, always-available, highest performing and autonomous storage. Leverage AIOPs for awareness and insight. Add and change workloads without worry or special configuration. Surround IT teams with broad ecosystem support and exceptional DevOps capabilities. Respond to business change and new opportunities by focusing on business, not infrastructure.